Parakeets eggs

Parakeets eggs

by Leanda Cherry
(Mauriceville TX USA)

How can I find out if my Parakeet's eggs are fertile or infertile.

Editor Suggestion on Parakeet Egg Fertility

Hi Leanda,

Determining the fertility of parakeet eggs can be accomplished through a process called "candling". This involves shining a light (a small flashlight or a specialized candling light) underneath or behind the egg to observe its internal structures. Here's how you do it:

Wait for the right time: You shouldn't candle eggs too early or too late in the incubation process. The best time to start candling is around a week after the egg has been laid.

Dark environment: Make sure you're in a dark room when you're candling. This will allow you to see inside the egg more easily.

Handling the egg: Handle the egg gently and try not to change its orientation when you pick it up. A parakeet egg is very delicate and can easily break if mishandled.

Candling the egg: Hold the light source up to the large end of the egg. If the egg is fertile, you will see blood vessels spreading out from the center in a spiderweb pattern. The center, where the embryo is, might be seen as a darker spot. As the chick develops, the egg will appear darker and darker because less light will be able to pass through it.

Infertile egg: If the egg is infertile, it will appear clear, or you will see a distinct yellow yolk and no signs of development, even after 7-10 days. An egg that was fertile but whose embryo died will often appear as a dark ring, also known as a "blood ring". If the egg is all dark with no defined shape or forms, it's likely the chick has died.

Remember, only perform candling when absolutely necessary. Disturbing the egg can harm the developing embryo inside, especially if the egg is dropped or shaken. If the parakeet is still actively sitting on the eggs, it's generally best to leave them alone. They'll stop sitting on any eggs that are infertile or have dead chicks after a while.

Remember, if you're unsure about what you're seeing or what to do, it's always best to consult with a vet or a bird breeder. They can give you advice based on their experience and expertise.

Editor and Publisher
Cool Small Pets

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